Galerie Ary Jan
Galerie Ary Jan entrusts Omedia with the redesign of its logo and graphic charter.
Branding – A set of actions to build a brand image that is instantly recognisable and conveys a vision. Graphic design and written content come together to captivate, impress, and stay top of mind… For a brand that stands the test of time.
Naming – Act of capturing an idea in a name. Of creating an iconic entity.
Of captivating both eye and mind. And of putting words to an idea.
Branding and naming: two complementary strategies with the same mission – giving the brand evocative power. Moving, attracting, and connecting with users, playing to their preferences. Earning a special place in their minds.
Our goal: understanding, enlivening and embodying your brand. Making it shine out from the inside. Highlighting its values through its codes and tone of voice. Formulating the right product promise at the right time.
Branding is born from a vision that pushes the boundaries of your range of expression. We design identities that capture the unique spirit of each project and strengthen the brand’s power of attraction.
Brand and product naming: a name becomes a label. For its object to be iconic, the name must stand out. It should carry meaning, express character, and resonate in people’s minds.
From finding a name to designing the graphic style guide and crafting communication tools, Omedia Paris creates brands and builds their image. Our experts help you to develop a strong, charming and strategic brand identity. We anchor your products and services in a luxury spirit.
#luxurybrand #creativeagency
NAMING Creation of brand, product and service names
ICONOGRAPHY Visual territory
GRAPHIC CHARTER Visual elements, logo
Galerie Ary Jan entrusts Omedia with the redesign of its logo and graphic charter.
Omedia Paris helps Adour build its brand identity through a logo.
The agency defines the essence of INTACT by creating its naming, brand platform, visual identity and communication tools.